The Apocalypse Rising Wiki
Fort Ruins
Fort Ruins on Reborn
Fort Ruins on Reborn
Map Reborn
Types of Loot Civilian, Military

The Fort Ruins are the surviving remnants of a (presumably) military fort. It can be found in the southern portion of the Kin Re-Imagined and Kin Reborn maps.

Reborn: Appearance and Layout[]

In Kin Reborn, the Fort Ruins is on top a hill between Korri and Yale. It features a crumbling octagonal wall, along with two side towers. There is a large tunnel entrance, in which a vehicle can fit through, and a large central tower.



Upon claiming the Iron Throne, Stannis Baratheon realized he lacked the manpower needed to take King's Landing. With the help of Melisandre, a red priestess from Asshai, Stannis has Renly assassinated, and secured the loyalty of many of the lords sworn to him.[2] However, he failed to win the allegiance of House Tyrell, who withdrew their large army from the field and returned to Highgarden. Nevertheless, having also secured an alliance with the sellsail captain Salladhor Saan,[3] Stannis was confident of victory. On the advice of his loyal vassal and future Hand, Davos Seaworth, he decided not to take Melisandre with him to King's Landing, concerned that the victory would be credited to her and not himself.

With King's Landing in danger, Tyrion made preparations to withstand siege. However, most of their manpower had been drawn north to fight the Starks in the Riverlands, leaving the city walls undermanned. Cersei planned to level the field through the use of wildfire, a dangerous and highly destructive substance that she had made en masse that Tyrion would later use for the battle.[2] With Robb Stark's forces poised in the west, Tywin was unwilling to leave his defensive position at Harrenhal, fearing being attacked from the rear. However, when Robb launched an invasion of the Westerlands instead, drawing close to Casterly Rock, Tywin decided to move his army.[4] At the same time, Littlefinger negotiated a fresh alliance between House Lannister and House Tyrell.


"Come with me and take this city!"
―Stannis Baratheon rallies his troops without the need of speeches.

Stannis's fleet, commanded by Davos, swept into Blackwater Bay and approached the city. The original plan was to destroy the royal fleet and land troops under the city walls. However, the royal fleet proves to be absent, Tyrion having commanded it to leave the area, to Joffrey's incomprehension, rather than be sunk. Instead, Tyrion has a single uncrewed ship filled with wildfire and sends it to leak the substance directly into the bay. At his signal, Commander Bronn of the King's Landing City Watch ignites the wildfire with a flaming arrow, resulting in a tremendous explosion that obliterates the leading elements of Stannis's fleet, including Davos's flagship, flinging Davos overboard into the bay, and killing his son Matthos in the process.

Although the explosion sinks many of Stannis's ships, it is insufficient to stop him landing significant numbers of troops on the banks of the Blackwater Rush below the city. Under heavy arrow fire, Stannis personally leads an assault on the city walls and manages to lead a small detachment onto the battlements. An attempted sally led by the Hound falters when his fear of fire causes his flight from the field.

Cersei gathers up the women and children of the keep and brings them to Maegor's Holdfast, including Sansa, where she intends royal executioner Ilyn Payne to kill her and all the others rather than let Stannis's forces capture and rape them. She recalls Joffrey from the battlefield, leading to a loss of morale amongst the King's Landing defenders. Tyrion rallies them, and leads a counter-attack against a battering ram trying to smash down the Mud Gate, accompanied by Ser Mandon Moore and Ser Boros Blount of the Kingsguard. A late-arriving force of Stannis's troops attack the sortie force. In the confusion, Ser Mandon turns on Tyrion, and strikes him down with a blow to the face, however Moore is slain by Podrick Payne, Tyrion's squire, before he can kill Tyrion.

At this point, Tywin's army arrives in concert with the Tyrell forces under Ser Loras Tyrell. Loras wears the armor and crown of the late Renly to sow confusion and discord amongst Stannis's men. The Tyrell and Lannister cavalry smash Stannis's forces and rout them, although some are able to retreat in good order to their landing vessels. Stannis is dragged reluctantly from the battlefield by loyal retainers.


The forging of an alliance between House Lannister and House Tyrell places the overwhelming bulk of the armies of southern Westeros under the banner of King Joffrey. This combined army now hugely outstrips the armies of House Stark in size, and makes the Lannister-Tyrell faction the largest and most powerful in the war.

In the weeks after the battle, the children of the city picked over the half-sunken wrecks of ships in the harbor searching for gold and other treasures taken from the dead sailors.

Most of the military strength of the Stormlands was destroyed in the battle. Most Baratheon vassal Houses sided with Renly at the beginning of the war, but later shifted to follow Stannis after Renly's death. A very few sided with Stannis originally, and effectively none had sided with Joffrey. With their armies destroyed, they could not offer resistance as combined Lannister-Tyrell armies overran the Stormlands. Stannis himself, however, safe from immediate assault due to the island location of Dragonstone, remained defiant and refused to surrender.

The ruins of the fort still remains today, now called "Erik Castle", located on top of a hill similar to the Radio Tower.


See Civilian/Military Loot Table

Fort Ruins
Fort Ruins on Re-Imagined
Fort Ruins on Re-Imagined
Map Re-Imagined
Types of Loot Civilian, Military

Re-imagined: Appearance and Layout[]

The Fort Ruins are located on top of a hill, similar to the Radio Tower. It is a square-shaped stone tower barricaded by an octagonal wall. Similar to other walls, it has numerous holes from which it can be entered. The inside has rubble scattered everywhere, and it can be used as cover. The Fort Ruins tower also has broken walls, and the bottom floor is enterable from the south, north, and west due to the holes. Inside, there is a staircase that takes 90 degree turns twice and leads to the top. The walls have holes next to the windows which might either represent windows or cracks in the walls, and the ceiling has a small hole right above the staircase.


See Civilian/Military Loot Table


  • The honorary name for the Fort Ruins is "Erik Castle", named after the deceased co-founder of ROBLOX.
  • People can log out often here, making it dangerous as a base since players might spawn inside.
  • It can be blown up with just 1 C4..